Giveaway | Holidays | Photography

Mother’s Day Giveaway

What does my mother mean to me? In a word, Everything!

My mother is my biggest supporter and my most trusted confidant. She has been an integral part of raising my children to become the wonderful young adults they are today. I’m so grateful to have her in our lives.

To celebrate the fabulous-ness of motherhood, I am giving away a Family Mini Session!

Will your mother be the winner of this year’s Mother’s Day Giveaway?

Comment below and tell me, and the rest of the world, what your mother means to you.

I’ll announce the winner on Sunday, May 10th.  Details will be provided to the winner at that time.

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    1. Oops. I missed the part about posting about my awesome mom. Please remove the 1st comment. I guess I was excited to see this drawing chance because I do enjoy seeing your work. Silly me!

  1. My mom is honestly my Bestie! Love our talks on the phone, shopping adventures & generally hanging out!

  2. I love my mom! She is pretty! She makes the best food in the world! She gave birth the the best handyman in mason county! Happy Mother’s Day mom! I love you!

  3. It’s easy to love your children unconditionally. It’s easy to look at your child and admire the similair features and genes. Take
    Pride in every new chapter your kids have. Love them trough terrible two, teenage years and life’s disappointments.
    It takes a very special person to be a mom to a child you did not birth. My mom adopted me at 4months old, from a hotel room in Bellingham. She has loved me unconditionally with out a single shadow of a doubt my entire life. She went on to have to biological children, her love for me never wavered! She has been there for me throughout my entire life, from infancy to adulthood. She is my best friend, I am not the child of her body, but the child of her heart.
    She is amazing. ❤️

  4. My mom has been such a huge supporter of mine, especially now that I’m a mother. She & my father moved to Oregon temporarily to help out with my newborn son. They watch him every day while I’m at work as being a stay at home mom isn’t an option financially for us. If I can’t be with my son all day I’m glad my Mom can, she loves & cares for him just as I would, it made going back to work much easier for me. When they have to move back home in July I am going to miss them so much as will my son, their only grandson. Now that I’m a mom I appreciate all that she has done for me, and continues to do for me, even more.

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