Photography | Senior Portraits | Senior Spokes Models

Class of 2019 Model Team | Jennifer Rutledge Photography

Many of you know about Senior Reps for local photographers.  A few kids take some basic portraits and in return they hand out some “rep cards” tell their friends to go see Photographer X.   The Senior Portrait Model Team at Jennifer Rutledge Photography are NOT Senior Reps. At Jennifer Rutledge Photography, the Senior Portrait…

Senior Portraits | Senior Spokes Models | Stylized Photoshoots

Jennifer Rutledge Photography Spokes Model Perks Pt2

As part of the Jennifer Rutledge Photography Class of 2017 Spokes Model Team, the spoke models get first dibs on portfolio shoots during their high school senior year. Rikki kept her cool despite the 90+ degree heat. I tried my best to get some angry looks out of this girl, but she is just too…

Photography | Prom Portraits | Senior Portraits | Stylized Photoshoots

Prom Night – Jennifer Rutledge Photography Spokesmodel Perks

This year the Spokesmodel Team received a complimentary prom photo shoot as one of the “perks” of the Class of 2017 Spokesmodel Team. Only one of our spokesmodels was able to take advantage of the offer, But that meant we had extra time to take extra AMAZING prom portraits! So, without further ado, let me…

Photography | Senior Portraits | Stylized Photoshoots

Jennifer Rutledge Photography – Class of 2017 Model Team

Thank you for your interest in Jennifer Rutledge Photography & Class of 2017 Model Team. As a Class of 2017 Model, you will have the opportunity to be part of exclusive photo sessions throughout the year in addition to receiving: • Discounts on your personalized senior portrait session • Facebook photos, and online galleries to…

What the Heck is a High School Senior Portrait Model Team?
Photography | Senior Portraits | Stylized Photoshoots

What the Heck is a High School Senior Portrait Model Team?

Many of you know about Senior Reps for local photographers.  A few kids take some basic portraits and in return they hand out some “rep cards” tell their friends to go see Photographer X. The Senior Portrait Model Team at Jennifer Rutledge Photography are NOT Senior Reps. At Jennifer Rutledge Photography, the Senior Portrait Model…